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Welcome to Castle Camps (VC) Church of England Primary School

Life in all its fullness

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Vision, Ethos & Values

Our Vision: Life in all its fullness

'I have come that you may have life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


Our Vision for Castle Camps Primary School is underpinned by the Bible Verse John 10:10: 'I have come that you may have life in all its fullness'. This verse is particularly relevant to us as we seek to enable everyone in our community to thrive and flourish, whatever their needs, ability or position.  This links directly to the original purpose of our foundation, as outlined in the Trust Deeds:


'-to permit the said premises and all buildings thereon erected, or to be erected, to be forever and hereafter appropriated and used as and for a school for the education of children and adults, or children only, of the labouring, manufactoring and other poorer classes in the Parish of Castle Camps.' (16th February, 1865)


We are an inclusive school in every sense and warmly welcome children from different backgrounds and cultures – all faiths or none. We learn together as a community of unique individuals, doing everything in love. 


Our children are encouraged to embrace our ever-changing world with confidence, courage and creativity. They are taught to respect and care for themselves, others and their environment, and to challenge themselves academically, physically and spiritually.


Our Ethos

Our school has been described as caring, welcoming and friendly. We pride ourselves on building effective working relationships with our children, our parents and our community. All members of our community are valued and cherished, and we believe that we achieve this by the  values that underpin all we do, and all decisions we make. Visitors are impressed by the calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school, the politeness of our children and the helpfulness of our staff. Within our Christian context, we aim to serve all our children to the very best of our ability, promoting our core values, tolerance and a zest for life.


Our Values

Our vision intrinsically links to our core values of Love, Courage, Wisdom, Respect, Hope & Community which are at the heart of everything we do at our school. We uphold the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


We focus on a different value each half term...

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2








Home School Values

Home School Values are designed to promote spiritual and moral development.  Each Value contains fun activities for you to do with your family together, alongside topics to stimulate discussion and reflection. They are entirely optional. Click on the values tabs to find the activity sheets.
