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Response to Prime Minister’s Address

Dear Parents/Carers,


Response to Prime Minister’s Address


I’m sure like me, many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s address to the nation this evening.


You will have heard the Prime Minister indicating that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools from 1st June, starting with pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.  This is part of the government’s conditional plan which it says will remain under regular review.


I strongly suspect that tonight’s announcement will have done little to allay parent and staff concerns about children returning to school after half term. If anything, I expect the announcement has only served to increase anxieties. 


Please be aware, that the Local Authority is clear that any plan to increase the number of pupils in schools has to be practicable and manageable, but above all else: safe. There is much, much more that needs to be discussed.


At the moment, I know we will all have strong emotional reactions to what we have just heard. School leaders have only just seen the announcement and at this stage I cannot answer all the questions you may have. We are now waiting to receive more information from government and the Local Authority about what this means for our school. 


Please be aware, that in the short-term, nothing has changed and we will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once we are able to do so.


Kind regards,
Alexandra O’Connor
