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  • Contact and Trace Information

    Wed 09 Dec 2020 Miss O'Connor

    Important Covid-19 Information Update


    You may have seen in the media yesterday the Department for Educations (DfE) announcement that schools are permitted to make Friday, 18th December a ‘non-teaching’ day. I am writing to reassure you that we will not be amending our term dates or our scheduled INSET days at any point during this academic year, as we recognise the significant knock on effect this will have on families. This means our last day of term for pupils will remain, Friday, 18th December.


    This does not in any way compromise our commitment to honour our contact tracing commitments as a school. The Government’s published guidance is a little unclear as to how educational settings will fulfil this requirement, and therefore I will endeavour to clarify how we will as school manage this commitment between the end of term and Christmas Eve.  Below is a summary table, the school has devised, as to how this specifically relates to our school:


    Symptoms began on

    (or date of positive test if asymptomatic)

    Between Monday 14th – Friday 18th December

    Saturday 19th December

    Sunday 20th December

    Monday 21st December – Monday 4th January

    Action Required

    Parents inform school immediately. School will notify individuals within respective bubble who may have come into contact. Notified individuals will have to self-isolate for 14 days

    Parents inform school immediately. School will notify individuals within respective bubble who may have come into contact on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December. Notified individuals will have to self-isolate for 14 days

    Parents inform school immediately. School will notify individuals within respective bubble who may have come into contact on Friday 18th December. Notified individuals will have to self-isolate for 14 days

    Unless testing was delayed following onset of symptoms, case was not in setting. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.

    However, please also inform us via email just for our reference.

    In the event of a confirmed case between the close of school on Friday 18th December and Thursday 24th December, please email the school office.


    Parental Responsibility

    Parents to notify close contact family and friends and follow advice as per NHS Covid-19 guidelines

    In order to ensure these arrangements work effectively and minimise the risk of compromising families’ Christmas break, please adhere to the following:


    • Parents to seek tests via testing centres rather than via postal tests as this can significantly delay confirmation of results.  Results are normally forthcoming in 24 hours via test centres.

    • Parents to notify school if children have symptoms after schools close – even when waiting for a test result, families can be advised to take necessary steps whilst awaiting confirmation.

    • So as to minimise the risk of infection within school (and the wider community), please ensure you continue to adhere to social distancing protocol.
      The school Contact Trace email is as follows:
      If there is anything you are at all unsure about regarding these arrangements, please contact the school before the end of term.

  • Reception 2021 Admissions

    Tue 08 Dec 2020 Miss O'Connor

    We have been asked by the Local Authority to forward this message to parents applying for a Reception place for 2021.


    The Parents’ School Preference Adviser has made a You Tube video summary available on the County Council website which covers the main points parents need to be aware of when making an application for a Reception place for September 2021.  This supplements the information on the Admissions Team page about applying for a primary school place.  The deadline for submitting applications is 15 January 2021. 


    Here is a link to the website -


    Here is a link to the You Tube video only -


  • Snow

    Fri 04 Dec 2020 Miss O'Connor
    The roads are extremely slippery in places. Nosterfield End is also flooded and dangerous.  I am currently waiting to hear if teachers are able to get into school safely. We are intending to open, as snow hopefully clearing throughout the morning. However, please check the website and Facebook for updates. We will keep the registers open until 10:30am to allow extra time for your journeys. Thank you.