At Castle Camps, our Art and Design curriculum allows all pupils to express their individual creativity, whilst learning and making links throughout our broad and balanced curriculum and within the wider world. Art and Design provides our pupils with the opportunity to communicate and express their individual thoughts, ideas and interests. Children are taught that art can be used for a range of purposes including, as a form of self-expression, to express political views and to evoke emotion in those who view the artistic piece. Our Art and Design curriculum inspires and challenges all pupils to invent their own unique creative style. Children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to experiment with a range of artistic tools and techniques. As pupils progress throughout their time at Castle Camps Primary School, the Art and Design curriculum will allow them to form an understanding of their own cultural heritage and its place within a global context. This will be achieved by studying a range of male and female artists throughout historical eras and from around the world, including local and up-and-coming artists. Children will be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the styles and vocabulary used by artists.
Throughout each unit of work, teachers assess the children in order to ensure that lessons are pitched at an age-appropriate level, to target specific learning objectives. This will ensure that children are challenged and supported appropriately. Children who fall within the EYFS framework will be assessed against the ‘Expressive Art and Design’ statements which breaks down into two strands, ‘Exploring and using media and materials’ and ‘Being imaginative’. In order to ensure high standards of teaching and learning within Art and Design lessons, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Art and Design at Castle Camps is taught throughout our topics over the year, so that children can achieve depth within their learning and understanding of the Art and Design curriculum. They are able to develop key knowledge, techniques and skills from the start of their learning journey at Castle Camps. Children will become familiar with a range of resources and materials, in which they are confident to access and use. By the end of each key stage, we expect pupils to know, apply and understand the techniques, skills and processes specified in the Art and Design progression of skills map.
Work produced within Art and Design lessons is of high-quality. It is evident that children have a love for learning and are excited to explore and learn new things. Children have a ‘can do’ attitude where they are seen to ‘have a go’, using their prior knowledge to inform and support them when choosing materials and using a range of techniques. Children show a curiosity about Art and the world around them. They ask relevant questions which help to further their own understanding as well as their peers. We will be able to measure the impact of our high quality curriculum through assessment, pupil voice and evidence within their practical work. It is evident throughout the school that skills, techniques and knowledge has stuck with them throughout their learning journey at Castle Camps Primary School.