At Castle Camps C of E (VC) Primary School we believe that it is essential to prepare our children for a rapidly changing world through the use of mathematical, systematic and logical thinking; because maths is an integral part of everyday life. We aim to provide all children with the mathematical tools they need to help them make sense of, understand and eventually change the world in which we live. These tools include arithmetical aptitude (problems involving adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing numbers), logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to apply their thinking in abstract ways. We aim to develop independent children who are inquisitive, creative, numerically literate, confident and financially responsible. Through the provision of a stimulating learning environment and a wide range of pictorial and concrete resources, we aim to develop every child’s mathematical skills in order to reach their full potential.
Maths is at the forefront of our curriculum. From EYFS to Year 6, we systematically build on the sequence of lesson objectives, ensuring there is progressive coverage throughout the school. Our curriculum is developed in a mastery style, allowing the children to evolve deep conceptual understanding of Maths and giving them equal access to the curriculum, no-matter their starting point.
At Castle Camps C of E (VC) Primary School:
- We teach a daily Maths lesson following the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation materials for Year One to Year Six.
- In Reception we use materials from the NCETM Mastering Number Curriculum. In addition, all children in the EYFS partake in weekly Shape, Space and Measure lessons and focused continuous provision activities based upon the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.
- Nursery pupils begin to develop key mathematical skills during daily maths sessions where they explore sorting, quantities, shape, number and counting awareness.
- In addition, all children in the Nursery partake in weekly Shape, Space and Measure lessons and focused continuous provision activities based upon the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.
- We provide a mathematics curriculum that is progressive, broad, and coherent with deep learning experiences that are relevant, challenging and enjoyable.
- We deliver high quality teaching and learning experiences that foster and nurture positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards mathematics.
- We build confidence in all learners through a range of well planned problems in a range of contexts.
- We carefully select relevant and appropriate visual representations, manipulatives and abstract representations to develop the understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures.
- We provide support and scaffolding, as required, to meet the needs of all learners, stretching and deepening the understanding of each strand of mathematics.
- We seek opportunities to extend every pupil’s mathematics skills through the use of open ended investigations and challenges.
- We build mathematicians who are fluent, capable and confident, developing automaticity to become future problem solvers.
Children at Castle Camps C of E (VC) Primary School demonstrate impact through: - Demonstrating a deep understanding of maths.
- Displaying a positive and resilient attitude towards mathematics and an awareness of the fascination of mathematics. - Showing confidence in believing that they will achieve.
- Achieving the objectives (expected standard) for their year group, or beyond.
- Showing flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of maths.
- Recognising relationships and making connections in maths lessons and beyond.
We know that mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Impact is monitored through children’s work in books, reflections and teacher assessment. Teachers provide verbal and written feedback, and ‘pupil voice’ is gathered through interviews to ensure the curriculum is centred around the needs of our children.