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Welcome to Castle Camps (VC) Church of England Primary School

Life in all its fullness

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School Uniform

We ask all children to follow the uniform code and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. Please ensure that all items of clothing are named.


Our uniform is as follows:

Trousers/skirts: Black.

Polo shirts: White. Sleeveless and strappy tops are not suitable for school.

Sweatshirts/cardigans: Red. Sweatshirts with logo can be purchased online.

Socks/tights: Plain white, grey, red or black.

Shoes: Dark, plain, fastened (laces, Velcro or buckle) flat-soled shoes should be worn in school (heels should not exceed 3cms). Platform shoes, open-toed sandals and backless shoes are not suitable or practical for school use. Boots worn to school in winter months should be changed when in school to suitable shoes. Trainers can be kept at school to be worn at break times.


Additional Items for Summer Wear

Black shorts, red checked dress, ‘closed toe’ sandals.


PE/Games Kits for PE should be kept in a named bag in school everyday and taken home at the weekend for washing

T-Shirt: Plain white or red with short sleeves (no strappy tops).

Shorts: Black shorts.

Footwear: Inside: Bare feet (plimsolls if there is a medical reason) Outside: Trainers/plimsolls)

Other: Spare socks. Tracksuits for outside games during cold weather.


School Bags

Space is premium in our cloakroom areas. Please see the table below for what you child needs in school. We discourage children in EYFS & KS1 to bring in rucksacks, unless there is a special reason why these are required. Red book bags are kept within the classroom for these younger children, which means letters and documents can be placed directly in the bags by classroom staff - there is not space within the classroom for rucksacks. Children in Y3-6 may wish to bring in a small ruclsack, if they can not fit everything into their zip wallet. Zip wallets are procided at the start of the academic year and kept in the classroom for easy access.


What to bring

*if required


Nursery & Reception

PE kit in drawstring or carrier bag

Castle Camps red book bag, water bottle & *packed lunch

In addition: Wellies and a lightweight waterproof coat, to stay in school



PE Kit in drawstring or carrier bag

Castle Camps red book bag, water bottle & *packed lunch




PE kit in drawstring or carrier bag

Castle Camps  red book bag, water bottle & *packed lunch


Zip wallet, water bottle, a small rucksack (ideally a drawstring bag, if required) & *packed lunch



PE kit in drawstring or carrier bag

Zip wallet, water bottle, a small rucksack (ideally a drawstring bag, if required) & *packed lunch



PE kit in drawstring or carrier bag

Zip wallet, water bottle, a small rucksack (ideally a drawstring bag, if required) & *packed lunch



Summer Swimming

One piece swimsuit for girls and trunks/shorts for boys (not Bermuda), swimming hat (available from office) plus a large towel should be brought into school each day during the summer term.



For safety reasons we ask children not to wear jewellery in school. Children who have pierced ears may wear small studs to school if they are capable of taking them out and putting them back in by themselves. Studs will need to be removed for PE, games and swimming. Ear piercing should be seriously considered by parents before being undertaken. If decided upon we would suggest that it is done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that studs can be removed by the start of school in September. In line with Cambridgeshire policy, school staff are not allowed to assist pupils in removing earrings. Tape is not acceptable to cover earrings.

Watches may be worn.



Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons etc, should be simple and, if possible, in the school colours.

Long hair should be permanently tied back so that it does not interfere with their learning. Extreme styles of hair are unacceptable. These include: unnatural colours (for example red/plum/purple tinted), two tone/dip-dye hair. Shaved lines, shaved patterns and/or distinct/sharp changes in length in the hair are also not acceptable. Any changes in length should be graduated throughout the style.


Mobile Phones and Electronic Games are not permitted in school. Expensive toys are discouraged. Children should not bring items to school without parent/carers knowledge

School Uniform Policy
