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Welcome to Castle Camps (VC) Church of England Primary School

Life in all its fullness

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Collective Worship

Daily Acts of Worship

Our daily acts of worship focus on Christian themes and our weekly Golden Book Assembly celebrates pupils who have demonstrated our core values of: Wisdom, Respect, Love, Courage, Community and Hope. 


Visitors & Events

Throughout the year we have a range of visitors and events that support our Christian vision. We explore other faiths and world views during RE lessons, so that children are taught to question and enquire about the world around them. In addition, we organise a range of events and experiences, including the Lent Challenge, GenR8 and Open the Book Assemblies. Our Vicar (Revd Ian Fisher) and the wider Anglican Church local ministry team engage in events and lead worship both in School and at the church. We visit our parish Church (All Saints) for important festivals and we especially enjoy celebrating Christmas, Easter and our Leavers’ Service.


Right to withdraw

Parents do have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship, but we really do encourage all children to be part of these times as they are fundamental to building our school community.

Collective Worship Plans 2024-25
