End of Year Attainment - Congratulations!
We are delighted with our end of year attainment results. Well done, everyone.
Data Headlines for 2024
We are now able to confirm our SATs results for 2024. While we appreciate that “achievement” in the truest sense is far broader than just academic success, we also feel that the outstanding effort and good levels of attainment demonstrated by our children should be celebrated. We are very proud of how hard our pupils have worked this year.
Please see results below:
Reception End of Year
70% of children have achieved the Expected Level of Development.
Y1 Phonics
89% of pupils achieved the pass mark.
Y2 SATs (Optional)
94% of pupils reached the expected standard+ in reading, 75% in Writing and 88% in Mathematics.
Y4 National Multiplication Check
The Y4 Multiplication check, is a quick check of pupils’ multiplication tables. Pupils have to answer 25 calculations under timed conditions. There are no word problems or division questions. There is no pass mark for the test.
Y6 SATs – Age-Related Result
85% Reading (National average: 74%)
80% in Maths (National average: 73%)
80% in Writing (National average: 72%)
70% in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (National average: 72%)